How to Remove Preview Lines from Emails on an iPhone 13

It’s likely that you open the Mail app on your iPhone as much, or more than, almost any other app on your device.

Having such simple access to your email accounts, even if you have more than one of them, is one of the best parts about having a smartphone that is so easy and convenient to use.

When you open the Mail app on your iPhone 13 you are presented with your inbox. Here you will see the most recent email messages that you have received.

Depending on the current Mail settings, you are probably seeing a line or two from the beginning of the message.

Some people like this, while others would prefer to eliminate those preview lines so that they can see more messages.

You can change the number of preview lines in the iPhone 13 Mail app by going to Settings > Mail > Preview > then choosing one of the options there.

Our article continues below with more information on iPhone email preview lines and reasons why you may or may not wish to change this setting.

How to Stop Showing Message Content in Inbox on iPhone 13

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Choose Mail.
  3. Select Preview.
  4. Tap None.

Our guide continues below with additional information on adjusting the number of iPhone Mail app preview lines, including pictures of these steps.

Do you occasionally like to type in all capital letters? Our how to type in all caps on iPhone 13 tutorial can show you an easier way to do it.

How to Hide Mail Previews on an iPhone 13 (Guide with Pictures)

The steps in this article were performed on an iPhone 13 in the iOS 15.3.1 operating system.

Step 1: Open the Settings app.

open Settings

Step 2: Scroll down and select the Mail option.

open the Mail menu

Step 3: Choose the Preview option.

Note that it should say under there how many preview lines are currently being shown. Mine is set to “1” in the picture below.

select the Preview option

Step 4: Tap the None option to stop showing any message preview lines in your Mail app’s inbox.

how to stop showing message preview lines in Mail on an iPhone 13

Our tutorial continues below with additional discussion about the number of Mail preview lines on an iPhone.

More Information on Changing the Number of Preview Lines in Emails on an iPhone 13

When you make the change to your Mail settings that we discuss in the article above you are going to be affecting the display of the inbox of your Mail app.

If you are reducing the number of preview lines then you are going to see more messages in the inbox at once. This is the reason that I switched to showing no preview lines.

The options available for the number of email preview lines are:

  • None
  • 1 line
  • 2 lines
  • 3 lines
  • 4 lines
  • 5 lines

Changing this setting isn’t going to affect your email display in other places, such as if you use Outlook on your computer, or when you view your email account in a Web browser like Chrome or Firefox.

Additionally, if you use another Mail app on your iPhone this isn’t going to change anything there either.

The number of preview lines is a single setting that affects all of the email accounts and folders on the device. So if you have 2 email accounts on your iPhone then you will see the same number of preview lines regardless of which account you are looking at.

The Mail preview lines setting is different than the “Show Previews” setting found when you go to Settings > Notifications > Mail. The preview setting on the Notifications menu concerns whether or not information about emails is shown on alerts that appear on your lock screen.

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