How to Turn Off Alarm on iPhone 13

Once you start using the alarm feature on your iPhone, you may find that you are creating alarms all the time.

Whether it’s a repeating alarm to wake you up in the morning or an alarm to check something in the oven, it’s such a useful utility that you can easily incorporate its use into your daily life.

But it’s possible that you might have too many alarms that are constantly going off, and you might want to stop some of them.

Our how to turn off alarm on iPhone 13 guide below will show you how to adjust an existing alarm on your device so that it no longer goes off at the indicated time.

How to Disable an iPhone 13 Alarm

  1. Open the Clock app.
  2. Select the Alarm tab.
  3. Find the alarm to turn off.
  4. Tap the button next to the alarm.

Our guide on how to turn off alarm on iPhone 13 continues below with additional information, including pictures of these steps.

Creating alarms from your iPhone, whether it’s an alarm that is meant to wake you up in the morning, or remind you of a daily event, is such a simple and useful process that it can replace a dedicated alarm clock for many people.

You can even customize those alarms, such as using a different alarm tone with the steps in our how to change alarm sound on iPhone 13 article.

But as you create more and more alarms, it’s likely that you will eventually have one or two that you don’t actually need.

Fortunately, you can edit and control iPhone alarms in various ways. Our how to turn off alarm on iPhone 13 steps below will show you how ot simply tap a button on the Alarm menu so that the selected alarm no longer goes off at the time you set.

How to Stop an iPhone 13 Alarm from Going Off (Guide with Pictures)

The steps in this article were performed on an iPhone 13 in the iOS 16 operating system, but will work for most other iPhone models and most other versions of iOS.

Step 1: Open the Clock app on your iPhone.

tap the Clock icon

Step 2: Select the Alarm tab at the bottom of the screen.

choose the alarm tab

Step 3: Find the alarm that you want to turn off, then tap the button to the right of it.

In the picture below, I have disabled the 5:56 AM alarm. The rest of the alarms in the picture are enabled.

how to turn off alarm on iPhone 13

Now that you have completed our how to turn off alarm on iPhone 13 guide, you will be able to go through your list of iPhone alarms and shut off any of the ones that you don’t need right now.

Note that these alarms will remain off until you re-enable them.

If you are turning off an alarm that you aren’t going to use anymore, then you might want to delete the alarm instead.

You can delete an alarm on an iPhone 13 by swiping left on the alarm, then tapping the Delete button.

You can’t restore a deleted alarm, so you will need to make a new one if you decide later that you want an alarm with the same settings as the one you deleted.

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