How to Block Calls from Private Numbers on a Google Pixel 4A

Spam and robocalls are one of the worst things about being a cell phone owner.

Many smartphones these days have an option to block calls, including the Google Pixel 4A. However, it can be difficult to block a number if it’s coming from a private number, or the caller ID is hidden.

Fortunately, there is rarely a good reason for someone to do this, and the Pixel’s call screening includes an option that allows you to automatically screen any number that is private or hidden. This means that any call that the phone identifies as being private or hidden will be subjected to this screening.

You can turn on private call blocking by opening the Phone app, tapping the three dots, choosing Settings, then Spam and Call screen. You can then select Call Screen, followed by Private or hidden, then choose the Automatically screen. Recline robocalls option.

As a bonus to screening these private and hidden calls, it will also decline robocalls.

Continue reading our article below for more information on this excellent feature that is included on your Pixel 4A by default, and learn how to set it up and customize it so that you receive far fewer unwanted calls.

How to Block Restricted Calls – Pixel 4A

  1. Tap the Phone icon.
  2. Touch the three dots.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Choose Spam and Call Screen.
  5. Tap Call Screen.
  6. Touch Private or hidden.
  7. Tap Automatically screen. Decline robocalls.

Our guide continues below with additional information on blocking hidden and private calls on your Pixel 4A, including pictures of these steps.

How to Block Private Callers on Google Pixel 4A (Guide with Pictures)

The steps in this article were performed on a Google Pixel 4A in the Android 11 operating system.

Step 1: Open the Phone app.

tap the phone icon

Step 2: Touch the icon with three dots at the top-right corner of the screen.

tap the three dots

Step 3: Choose the Settings option from the drop down menu.

select Settings

Step 4: Select the Spam and Call Screen option.

choose Spam and Call screen

Step 5: Choose Call Screen from this menu.

select Call Screen

Step 6: Select the Private or hidden option.

choose Private or hidden

Step 7: Tap the circle to the left of Automatically screen. Decline robocalls. to activate the private and hidden number call blocking.

how to block private numbers on a Google Pixel 4A

Our tutorial continues below with additional information about Pixel 4A call blocking.

More Information on Private Call Blocking on Google Pixel Smartphones

There are a number of other options on the Call Screen menu that you may want to look into as well.

  • Save Call Screen audio
  • Spam
  • Possibly faked numbers
  • First-time callers
  • Private or hidden

Note that if you have a number saved as a contact on your device then it won’t be screened. if you want to screen a number in your contacts then you will need to delete the contact.

If you tap the Voice button on the Call Screen menu then you can pick between two different voices that will be used when a call is screened.

Before you open the Call Screen menu there are some useful options on the Spam and Call Screen menu as well.

  • See caller and spam ID – lets the phone identify business and spam phone numbers
  • Verified Calls – see the ID and purpose of the call if the incoming call is from a business

While call screening doesn’t use data, it does use minutes. If you aren’t on an unlimited minutes plan and you get a lot of calls that get caught by the screener, then that’s something to keep an eye on.

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